Saturday, April 02, 2005

Transfer day

I'm pregnant.

Or at least, I like to think of myself that way, after a transfer. Inside me are two 8-celled embryos, one Grade 1 and one Grade 2 (just a bit of fragmentation). These were the "beauty pageant queens," as the RE put it. He said things look very good with my uterine lining, and there's every reason to hope for a good result. My beta HCG pregnancy test will be on April 15.

We also had 8 other embryos that looked healthy, to freeze for future frozen transfer cycles if we need them. That is a comfort, in case neither of these embryos sticks. The other three embryos were not dividing correctly, and the doctor advised that we discard them. We agreed, not without unease.

But that is a sorrow for another day. For today, I'm going to take it easy, and enjoy this feeling. Let the worry begin tomorrow. The feeling that time is crawling on its hands and knees. The gnawing ache that after all I've done, it may not be enough.

For today, I'm pregnant.


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Glad to hear it went so well. Take it easy for the next couple of days...and happy incubating!

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Wouldn't you just like to go to sleep for the next 2 weeks and wake up to get your result?

    Sending all good thoughts your way. Eight in the freezer is a nice backup.

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    YEEEAAAAAAA!!!! I hope those little embies are finding a nice cushy space to stay for the next nine months or so!

  4. Anonymous12:24 PM

    That's wonderful news Bee..I'm so happy for you. Sending lots of luck and love your way for your beta.


  5. Anonymous11:58 PM

    oh bee...
    everything is going sooo well. you have the right attitude and i just know you are on your way! PLEASE drop me a line and tell me the good news on your beta day...

